Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today I finally post my key terms on my blog. My key terms are words that i have came across while reading about my topic that I thought would be important for readers interested in the topic to know. As i continue to follow up more about my topic I will certainly add more key terms that i come across.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In the past couple of days I have been looking at more websites about my topic and I have also found some key terms that happen to be important to my topic. I will be putting some of the key terms i have found in a list soon.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I have found my essential question and three websites that have allot of information about it. now I am going to look for more websites and terms to better describe the bigger question for my project.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is week two in class and I am currently researching articles about the effects of sexual abuse in teens and young children. I found a couple intresting articles so far but I am still searching for more. I am hoping to keep this as my topic after I narrow it down a little more. I believe that this topic would really hold my intrest and I think that there is many things I can do with different organizations to help the people who have suffered sexual abuse.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thinking of the start of the "Big Project"

I have heard many things about City High's graduation project. Some said it was somewhat easy, while others thought it was the hardest thing they have seen yet. For my grad project i had several ideas of what i would like to do. Some of my idea subjects were fashion design, nursing, child abuse, sexual abuse,and also different family structures. Some of the concerns i have about my project is picking the one i would like to do the most.